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मुख्य पृष्ठ node District and Club Community Impact Grants

District and Club Community Impact Grants

Through the District & Club Community Impact Grants program, 15 percent of unrestricted contributions to LCIF are transformed into grants that fund local projects on a club and/or district level.


Donations may be made throughout the year, and grants can be applied for in the following Lions year. The District & Club Community Impact Grant requires a US$5,000 minimum donation for clubs and a US$10,000 minimum donation for districts. The minimum donation must be achieved within the fiscal year (i.e. July 1 – June 30).



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District and clubs qualifying for the program will have the option to use earned funds to carry out local projects and access those funds through the submission of a District and Club Community Impact Grant Application or use them as part of the local matching funds component of other LCIF grant program applications. Clubs have the opportunity to retain their DCG funds for the use of their club, or to release those funds to their district to be counted toward the district’s DCG account.
