Membership Awards

A strong membership is vital to the success of your club, district and the Lions Clubs International organization worldwide. Without dedicated members, there would be no one to serve those in need. Lions International offers opportunities for all members to receive recognition for the role they play in growing our organization around the world.

Lions International also offers a variety of awards for Lions and Leos involved in the Leo Club Program. For more information on Leo awards, visit the Leo Awards and Recognitions webpage.

Awards for Individuals


The following awards are opportunities for all Lions to earn, regardless of title:

Chevron Award Program

This program recognizes Lions for their long-term service, beginning at 10 years, and continuing in 5-year increments. There are two different types of chevrons, varying slightly in appearance. The Charter Monarch Chevron, available to founding club members only, and the Monarch Chevron. Learn more >

Membership Key Awards Program

This progressive awards program recognizes Lions who sponsor new members that remain active for at least a year. It begins with only two members sponsored, and is something that all Lions can do beginning on their first day of membership. Learn more >

International Extension Awards

The extension awards are presented to two Lions, who, in the opinion of the serving district governor, provided the greatest assistance in the organization of a new Lions club that remains active and in good standing for at least a year. This is a progressive awards program beginning at just one club, Lions can earn personalized pins for clubs 1-5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 and 150 clubs. Learn more >

Campus Award Pin

This pin can be presented to up to two Lions who help charter a Campus Lions club, as determined by the district governor. Learn more >

Club Branch Pin

This prestigious pin is awarded to the first branch liaison when a club branch is formed. Learn more >

Awards for Clubs


The following awards represent some of the ways your club can be recognized for outstanding work in membership development:

New Club Sponsor Club Banner Patch

Clubs that sponsor a new club receive a banner patch that can proudly be displayed on the club banner. Learn more >

Campus Banner Patch

Clubs that sponsor a campus club receives a distinctive patch that can be displayed on the club banner. Learn more >

Club Branch Patch

Clubs that serve as a parent to a club branch receive a patch to be displayed on their banner for recognition of their efforts to develop membership. Learn more >

Membership Satisfaction Award

Clubs can earn this prestigious patch that can be displayed on their banner so that all who see it, know that there are happy members. The patch is earned by either retaining 90% of your members for a fiscal year, or by reversing membership losses. Earn additional “tabs” for each subsequent year to affix to your banner for increased recognition. Learn more >

Awards for Districts


The following awards are earned at the district level by meeting membership development goals:

District Governor Extension Award

This special pin is awarded to the immediate past district governor who chartered at least one club in during their year as governor, provided the club remains in good standing for at least a year. The pin is personalized to display the number of clubs chartered during their year. Learn more >

Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup

The top district team with the largest membership growth in each constitutional area will earn the honor of being forever memorialized on the inaugural Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup. Each constitutional area will have its own cup. Each member of the district team (district governor, immediate past district governor, first vice district governor, second vice district governor) will have their names engraved on their constitutional area’s Jesse Robinson Cup, which will honor their incredible achievements for the year. Each member of the district team will also receive a replica cup to recognize their outstanding achievements. Learn more >

Contact Us


If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us at