Donate to our Disaster Relief Fund to support communities impacted by recent flooding and other disasters.

Legal Resources

The Legal Division is responsible for the legal operations and global compliance of the Association and provides guidance to Lions on all matters related to the constitution and by-laws. In addition to this, the Legal Division coordinates the general liability insurance coverage, registers and maintains LCI and LCIF trademarks and answers questions related to election procedures and dispute resolution policies adopted by the International Board of Directors.

Constitution and Bylaws


International Constitution and By-Laws - Governing documents of the International Association of Lions Clubs

Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (DOC) - Governing documents of a Lions clubs

Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws (PDF) - Governing documents of a Lions clubs

Standard Form Lions District Constitution and By-Laws (DOC) - Governing documents of a Lions district

Standard Form Lions District Constitution and By-Laws (PDF) - Governing documents of a Lions district

Standard Form Lions Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws (DOC) - Governing documents of a Lions multiple district

Standard Form Lions Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws (PDF) - Governing documents of a Lions multiple district


Board Policy Manual


The Board Policy Manual (BPM) contains all of the current standing policies and procedures adopted by the International Board of Directors. 

Executive Summaries


Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meetings

Executive Summary - June 2024
Executive Summary - March 2024
Executive Summary - October 2023
Executive Summary - July 2023
Executive Summary - March 2023
Executive Summary - October 2022
Executive Summary - June 2022
Executive Summary - April 2022
Executive Summary - October 2021
Executive Summary - June 2021

Dispute Resolution


Club Dispute Resolution Procedures - Provides a mechanism for club members to resolve disputes within their clubs

District Dispute Resolution Procedures - Provides a mechanism for clubs in districts to resolve disputes within those districts

Multiple District Dispute Resolution Procedures - Provides a mechanism for clubs in multiple districts to resolve disputes within those multiple districts

International Officer and Vice District Governor Election Complaints Procedure - Procedure for filing complaints arising from district governor and/or vice district governor elections

Constitutional Complaints Procedures - Provides a mechanism for clubs and districts to resolve disputes about the interpretation, breach of or application of the International Constitution and By-Laws or any policy or procedure adopted from time to time by the International Board of Directors

District Governor Suspension Policy - Policy regarding the request procedure for suspending a district governor

Dispute Resolution Guidelines - Intended to assist Lions members, clubs and districts in following the Club, District and Multiple District Dispute Resolution Procedures; these guidelines are a supplement to the policies adopted by the International Board of Directors and are not intended to replace the policies



The International Association of Lions Clubs has a program of Commercial General Liability Insurance that covers Lions on a worldwide basis.

Candidate Information


Information for Candidates for International Office - Details the qualifications of and regulations for candidates for international office

International Officer Candidate Endorsement Form - Form for the endorsement of candidates for international office

Trademark Policies


Trademark Policies Overview - Details Lions' trademark policy

Incorporation, Foundation & Registered Agent Resources


Information on Forming a Lions Foundation - Letter to Lions members detailing what is required to form a Lions foundation

Foundation Criteria - Criteria for forming and operating a Lions foundation

Foundation Application - Application for use of the Lions' name and emblem

Sample Foundation Articles of Incorporation - Sample articles of incorporation for Lions foundations

Sample Foundation By-Laws - Sample by-laws for Lions foundations

Sample Foundation Resolution - Sample resolution for Lions foundations

Information on Incorporating a Lions Club - Letter to Lions members detailing what is required to incorporate a Lions club

Sample Articles of Incorporation - U.S. only - Sample articles of incorporation that can assist Lions clubs in forming their own articles of incorporation



Chart of State Nonprofit Registration and Solicitation Requirements Resources - Provides guidance to U.S. clubs and districts regarding registration and solicitation requirements by state

Guidance on IRS Form 8976 - U.S. only - Provides guidance on a new regulation that was passed by the IRS that requires all newly-formed 501(c)(4) organizations to notify the IRS of their intention to operate as a 501(c)(4) by filing Form 8976

IRS – Frequently Asked Questions – New Annual Electronic Notice – ePostcard  - "U.S. only - Provides guidance on the IRS requirement that small, tax-exempt organizations file an annual electronic notice (Form 990-N, also referred to as the e-Postcard)"

Public Comment on IRS Form 8976 - Letter to Lions clubs regarding public comment submitted by Lions Clubs International to the IRS regarding Form 8976

Tax Issues and Regulations affecting Lions Clubs and Leadership - U.S. only - Guidelines on the regulations and requirements related to tax issues

Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) Guidance for Districts and Clubs Subject to United States Tax Laws - Information pertaining to unrelated business income tax (UBIT)

Ethical Standards


Ethical Standards and Conduct - Guidelines detailing the ethical standards and conduct of Executive Officers, International Directors, and Board Appointees

Ethical Standards and Conduct (Club Officer) - Provides guidance in the areas of ethical standards and conduct

Ethical Standards and Conduct for Council Chairpersons - Details the ethical standards and conduct of council chairpersons

Ethical Standards and Conduct for District Governors - Details the ethical standards and conduct of district governors

Other Policies


District Election Guidelines - Provides guidance to districts on the policies and provisions related to holding the district convention and election.

Lions Clubs International Privacy Policy - Privacy policy for Lions Clubs International

Use of Funds Policy - Policy covers the use of funds raised from Lions clubs activities

Use of Funds Policy FAQ - Intended to assist Lions members, clubs and districts in following the Use of Funds Policy adopted by the International Board of Directors

Voting Delegate Information for MD and District Conventions - Voting delegate information for MD convention and district conventions, and voting procedures information