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Global Membership Team and Global Extension Team Toolbox

Growing our membership is essential for realizing our vision of being the global leader in humanitarian and community service. New members inspire our clubs with new energy and ideas while providing the next generation of Lion leaders. New clubs extend our reach into new communities, allowing us to serve more people in new ways.

The Global Membership Team (GMT) supports membership development by recruiting new members and promoting positive membership experiences. The Global Extension Team (GET) is an offshoot of the Global Membership Team that is focused on starting new clubs within its district.

Want to get to know these roles more in depth? Check out the GMT coordinator and GET coordinator position descriptions and their respective annual checklists (GMT/GET). Take a look at the GET Coordinator PowerPoint to learn more about how the GET can help you reach your chartering goals. The resources below will guide you as you lead membership and club growth in your district.

Global Membership Approach


The Global Membership Approach is a four-step process that has been proven to increase both member satisfaction and new member recruitment, as well as new club chartering. The four steps are build a team, build a vision, build a plan and build success. Visit the Global Membership Approach webpage to learn more about how the Global Membership Approach can help your district develop and achieve its growth goals.

As part of the build a vision step, you’ll need to visit the Membership Reports Toolbox to find the current status of membership in your district. It features reports on five-year growth trends, club and district health reports, and more.

Zone and region chairpersons play important roles in achieving your membership growth goals. The Global Membership Approach for region and zone chairpersons webpage has resources to support them.

Starting new clubs


The start a new club webpage has everything you need to know about starting a club. We recommend starting with the New Club Development Guide.

Consider making specialty clubs a part of your new club strategy. These clubs are organized around a common interest rather than geography.

Recruiting new members


Lion leaders have found the following resources to be helpful in bringing in new members. Always remember that everyone in your community is a potential Lion!

Lions clubs offer a unique opportunity for people of all ages to serve their community together. Sponsoring Leo clubs increases the service in your district, makes membership more appealing to families and builds the next generation of Lion leaders. Learn more about the Leo Club Program here.

Improving member experience


People can serve their communities anywhere, but they become Lions for the fellowship. These resources will help keep your members engaged and show where you have areas to improve.

Lions Learning Center


Lion leaders have found the following online courses in the Lions Learning Center to be helpful in growing membership and starting new clubs:

  • New Club Development course
  • The Global Action Team course
  • Conflict Resolution course
  • Global Membership Approach Orientation



Contact us

Lions Clubs International staff is here to help answer any questions you might have. You can email us at membership@lionsclubs.org.