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Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup

Our extraordinary global impact is only possible because of the Lions who make it happen every day. That’s why, for more than a century, our greatest leaders have prioritized growing our membership and sharing our mission of service throughout the world.

Add to our legacy, and build your own


Throughout our incredible history, each leader has left an indelible mark on the enduring legacy of our service. And the influence of one such visionary—our association’s third international president, Jesse Robinson—still resonates with Lions to this day.

In 1919, just two years after the formation of our association, he challenged every Lion to recognize that the future of our service depended on the growth of our membership, both at home and around the world. To encourage Lions to grow our districts and clubs, he established the association's first award - a prized silver cup to honor the outstanding efforts in membership development.

Now, as district leaders, this is your opportunity to add to our legacy, and build your own. You can redefine the future of service and be forever memorialized for your exceptional dedication to strengthening membership as a Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup winner!

Redefining success in membership

Set the standard for exceptional growth in our districts and around the world by becoming a Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup winner.

Here's how it works


How to win

  • The top district team with the largest membership growth in each constitutional area will earn the honor of being forever memorialized on the inaugural Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup. Each constitutional area will have its own cup.

What you get

  • Each member of the district team (district governor, immediate past district governor, first vice district governor, second vice district governor) will have their names engraved on their constitutional area’s Jesse Robinson Cup, which will honor their incredible achievements for the year.
  • Each member of the district team will also receive a replica cup to recognize their outstanding achievements.

Get started

Don’t miss your chance to win. Unite your district team. Develop your plan. Focus on new members and new clubs. Then take your place in history as a Jesse Robinson Cup winner.

Need some inspiration to get you started? Read tips from past winners to help boost your membership growth efforts.