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How to Lion

10 Ways to Recruit New Members

Kristin DiMaggio अक्टूबर 05, 2023

The world needs Lions like never before. To make sure we’re always there and ready to meet the growing needs in our communities, we are on a mission to grow. MISSION 1.5 is our drive to reach 1.5 million members worldwide by July 1, 2027. And to reach this goal, it’s going to take all of us — every Lion in every club — working together. So, let’s get started!

MISSION 1.5 logo

Here are 10 ways to jumpstart your club’s recruiting efforts.

  1. Do a member satisfaction check.
    Before going out to recruit, take a look inside. How’s your club doing? Are your members happy? Do you have a positive club culture? Happy members who enjoy being a Lion are more likely to successfully recruit friends, family and others to your club.

    Tools for success: Membership Satisfaction Guide

  2. Connect your club membership and marketing chairpersons.
    Does your club have a membership chairperson? How about a marketing chairperson? If not, you’ll want to fill these roles because marketing and membership growth go hand in hand. If you already have these chairpersons in place, make sure they’re working together to promote your club and recruit new members.

    Tools for success: Marketing Matters webpage, Club Membership Chairperson webpage

  3. Get social.
    Social media is one of the most powerful tools you have for recruiting members. The more you promote your club’s incredible work, the more visible you’ll be and the more opportunities you’ll have to connect with people looking to serve. So, use social media to invite people to join your club for a service project or attend one of your events, and be sure everyone in your club is sharing, tagging and reposting stories about your club.

    Tools for success: Social Media Kit

  4. Don't forget traditional media.
    Social media isn’t the only way to get your club noticed. Local newspapers, magazines and newsletters are also great ways to promote your club. Make connections with your local media and other organizations and community groups to discover opportunities to get the word out.

    Tools for success: Lions Press Center, Brand Advance Kit

  5. Apply for the Lions International Marketing Award.
    Marketing is critical for recruitment, but it’s also a fun way to collaborate with your club and be creative. So why not embrace a little friendly competition by taking your shot at global recognition and great prizes? Your club can apply for the Lions International Marketing Award by creating a marketing campaign focused on member recruitment. Gather your team, plan your marketing campaign, and go out and get some new members.

    Tools for success: Lions International Marketing Award webpage, Marketing Matters webpage

  6. Recruit while you serve.
    One of the best ways to recruit is by doing what you do best — serving. So invite people to serve with you and see what it’s like to be a Lion. Wear Lions-branded clothing to your service projects for visibility and bring promotional materials to hand out to people you meet while out in the community.

    Tools for success: Brand Advance Kit, Lions Shop

    Lions at diabetes service project
  7. Host a member recruitment event.
    Service is our focus, but bonding and having a good time is also a big part of the Lion experience — so don’t be afraid to show off that side to potential members! Consider hosting a member recruitment event that’s more of a social gathering. It could be a happy hour, picnic, ice cream social, game night or whatever works for your club. Promote the event on social media and encourage everyone in your club to invite at least five people.

    Tools for success: Social Media Kit, Brand Advance Kit

    Lions at information table
  8. Write and share your Lion stories.
    Every Lion has a story to tell about their member experience. But is every Lion in your club ready to share theirs? Consider a club activity where everyone writes their story. It doesn’t have to be long — it can be as simple as jotting down why you joined or why you love being a Lion. Once your stories are ready, find creative ways to share them on social media or your club’s website. Or, simply use them while talking with prospective members.

    Tools for success: Lions Get Social webinar, Lions Blog

  9. Make connections in your community.
    It's not always what you know, but who you know. Consider ways you can expand your network, like meeting local business owners or getting involved in community events. Participate in a golf outing, volunteer at a hospital or school, or even attend another group’s pancake breakfast. The more you’re out and about, the more people you’ll meet — so think of creative ways to make new connections. These connections just may become new partners, supporters or even new members.

    Tools for success: Developing Local Partnerships

  10. Just Ask!
    There are lots of different ways to find new members. But at the end of the day, one of the easiest and most effective ways to recruit is to simply ask people to join. Imagine if every Lion brought one new member to your club — think of how many more people you could serve. All it takes is asking one family member, friend or neighbor.

    Tools for success: Just Ask Guide

Kristin DiMaggio is an associate creative lead on the Lions International Marketing Team.