मुख्य पृष्ठ node Vice District Governor Training Programs

Goal achievement and team development


At the 2023 International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, updates to the district team roles and responsibilities were adopted which emphasize planning, team development, goal achievement and year-to-year continuity. To ensure incoming district governors are better prepared for one of the critical roles in our association, vice district governors will participate in an enhanced two-year vice district governor training program. For more information on the Vice District Governor Training Programs, please review our Frequently Asked Questions.

The updated training program for second vice district governors will be implemented in the 2024-2025 Lion year. The updated training program for first vice district governors/district governors-elect will be implemented in the 2025-2026 Lion year.

What’s included in the training programs?


Second Vice District Governor (SVDG) Training Program*

The following are the three main components of the program:

  • Online learning and assignments
  • SVDG Virtual Seminar
  • Multiple/Single District Training**

SVDG Training Program

First Vice District Governor/District Governor-Elect (FVDG/DGE) Training Program*

The following are the four main components of the program:

  • Online learning and assignments
  • FVDG/DGE Seminar Days 1-3
  • FVDG/DGE Seminar Day 4
  • Multiple/Single District Training**

FVDG/DGE Training Program

*To ensure all VDGs receive program-specific communications, VDGs need to have a unique email address (one not shared with another Lion) listed in their Lion Portal profile.

**Please note that funding is available for this program. Visit the Leadership Development Multiple District Grant Program webpage for more information.



Contact us


For questions, please use the contact information below.

Vice District Governor Training Programs

+1 630-468-6857

Online Assignments
+1 630-468-7073

Leadership Development Multiple District Grant Program and Training Curriculum
+1 630-468-7172

FVDG/DGE Registration/Hotel Arrangements
+1 630-468-7016

FVDG/DGE Travel/Flight Arrangements
+1 630-468-7052

FVDG/DGE Travel Reimbursement
+1 630-468-6978