[pdf] 區和分會社區影響撥款申請表District and clubs qualifying for the DCG program will have the option to use earned funds to carry out local projects and access those funds through the submission of a DCG application.
[mp4] 獅子會和受訓犬協助殘障人士組織無論人們的熱情爲何,獅子會特殊興趣分會樂助其長。了解美國康涅狄格州的 ECAD 獅子會分會支部如何與受訓犬協助殘障人士 (ECAD) 組織合作 - 這是一個為殘障人士訓練和安置服務犬的當地組織。
Chef José Andrés is founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit organization that provides fresh meals in response to crises. lions international is honoring Chef Andrés’ impactful work with the…