This registration AND housing form is only to be completed by FVDG/DGEs for the 104th Lions Clubs International Convention AND DGE Seminar in Montreal, Canada 2022.
[pdf] Sponsoring A New ClubWhen you sponsor a new club there are important roles AND responsibilities involved, AND this guide will help you better understAND what to expect.
Welcome to the Lions Blog—where we showcase the news AND stories at the heart of our global service.
[pdf] 區和分會社區影響撥款申請表District AND clubs qualifying for the DCG program will have the option to use earned funds to carry out local projects AND access those funds through the submission of a DCG application.
[mp4] 以服務並捐款賦予獅子會服務的力量我們知道,我們的全球基金會對我們的使命和我們服務的能力至關重要。我們最新的挑戰是:我們的世界有需求。我們的社區有需求。有些人在對抗糖尿病、有些人在挨餓、有些人在失去視力、還有些人正遭受毀滅性的災難,而我們的青少年需要我們的支援。讓我們繼續建立一種服務並向 LCIF 捐款的文化,以便使其成為獅友的意義之一。團結一致,我們能夠且將可以應對這些挑戰。請訪問 LCIF.org/Donate