Lions Eye Banks

Lions Eye Banks logo
What is an Eye Bank?  

Eye banks recover, evaluate, store and distribute human eye tissue for vision restoration, research and education.  Eye surgeons rely on eye banks to supply them with tissue for sight-saving procedures. A Lions eye bank is sponsored by a Lions club, district or multiple district and has an established working relationship with a medical facility.

Connect with a Lions Eye Bank

Contact your nearest Lions Eye Bank for volunteer opportunities, to request donor cards and eye bank informational materials, or to inquire about a Lions eye bank representative to visit your club or district.

Lions Resources
Establishing a New Lions Eye Bank

If your club, district and/or multiple district is interested in forming a Lions eye bank, please refer to the Lions Clubs International Eye Bank Guidelines.

For More Information

Lions Clubs International
Service Activities Division
Tel: 630-571-5466
Fax: 630-571-1692