
MISSION 1.5 starts with you


Stronger together at every level.


Global change comes from local efforts.

When we invite new members to our clubs and build new vibrant clubs, it does more than make our communities stronger. It makes the world a kinder, healthier and better place to live.

Membership focused


MISSION 1.5 is a dedicated effort. We have committed the next four years to reaching this historic Lions Clubs membership goal.

Teamwork ready


Every Lion has an important part to play. Together, we can grow Lions Clubs to extraordinary new heights, serving an untold number of people in need.

Proven process


Our Global Membership Approach is designed to revitalize existing clubs, charter new ones and inspire all Lions through fellowship and exciting service.

MISSION 1.5 resources


The Global Action Team is leading the charge for MISSION 1.5 and is uniquely positioned as the best resource to help you achieve MISSION 1.5 targets, foster membership growth and encourage Lions to lead by example. Here are some useful tools and resources you can use to help grow your own club, start a new one and get Lions everywhere excited about our drive to achieve 1.5 million members worldwide.

Invite Members


Fresh perspectives and a diverse membership foster camaraderie and help ensure the future success of our Lions Clubs.

Charter New Clubs


Expanding our reach with new charters creates opportunities to welcome new members, which creates new opportunities for service.

Share the Mission


Spread the word about our mission, so we can continue to grow our membership, increasing our impact locally and globally.

The many awards of MISSION 1.5


Every Lion can affect positive change through MISSION 1.5. And every Lion will have the opportunity to earn exclusive patches and pins, plaques and presidential medals as we march toward our goal of 1.5 million members worldwide. Find out what you can earn.   

Learn more

Questions about MISSION 1.5?

An immediate answer to common MISSION 1.5-related questions is available now in our FAQ.

Or contact us at: MISSION1.5@lionsclubs.org