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Help for Haiti in the Wake of Hurricane Matthew

LCIF Admin 11 Ottobre 2016

When disaster strikes, Lions are often among the first to offer help to the victims, even though they are often victims themselves. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is right there beside them, ready to support their efforts with funding assistance through Lions disaster relief programs. Working together, LCIF, local Lions and Lions leaders assess the urgent needs and quickly deliver the aid most required by victims.


This grassroots model has proven effective in tragedies around the world. Lions know that disaster can affect any community, whether it’s halfway around the world or right at home. That’s why, over the last 10 years, LCIF has provided more than US$100 million for disaster relief programs worldwide.


Thanks to the support Lions provide to LCIF on an ongoing basis, Emergency Grants are available to provide for basic immediate needs including food, water, clothing and medicine. We have learned from experience that when a disaster victim receives aid quickly, it provides strength needed to survive the shock and loss and may even give a little hope for the future.



Children wade through a flooded river in Haiti



Hurricane Matthew affected the entire Caribbean nation, destroying the western edge. More than 1,000 Haitians have perished and thousands have been left homeless.  Many of the main roads are impassible and many bridges have been washed away. Food and drinking water are in short supply and many of those who need aid the most are still waiting for it to arrive.


The Lions of Haiti quickly sprung to action and requested assistance from LCIF. LCIF awarded an initial US$10,000 Emergency grant to Haiti to address immediate needs of disaster victims. Twenty Lions and 10 Leos from Port-au-Prince traveled to Petit-Goâve to work with clubs there. Together, they have distributed 550 relief kits to residents. Communication networks have been leveled in Petit-Goâve and the main bridge into the town has been destroyed.


This week, Lions are packing up to 1,500 kits of food and medicine to be distributed in Les Cayes. The Pacific Disaster Center estimates that more than 90 percent of buildings in Les Cayes were completely or severely damaged by the storm.


The situation is dire, but Lions are working to bring supplies and hope to their neighbors. You can show your support for Lions and their work by making a donation to LCIF's disaster relief fund. Donate to LCIF