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Lions Think Outside the Box to Serve Communities

Jacqui MacKenzie 03 Marzo 2023

How are we driving our Lions clubs forward? By thinking outside the box! This year, Lions have been challenged to put their heads and hands together to reimagine service. With good communication and a clear vision, we can do anything.

Watch the stories below to learn how Lions innovate, team up and have fun. Together, we can!


Ojas Chitnis:

By thinking outside the box, we can achieve things that seem unreachable. When we first chartered our club on campus in Washington, D.C., we were presented with a unique challenge. After two years of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, people lost interest in being involved on campus.

We identified a key issue that they wanted to be involved in—something bigger than themselves, which was making an impact on the Ukrainian refugee crisis. A great way to advertise this was to raise funds for LCIF to help with Ukrainian disaster relief. We were able to raise money to create buzz on our campus that allowed us to attract members into our club.

Learn how Lions are supporting Ukraine.


Shefanie Vin:

I’ve been engaged in the organization for almost 15 years. Sometimes thinking outside the box is not that easy because when you’ve been in the organization that long, you’ve been doing things the same way.

Now that I’m in a club with new members, I sometimes just sit back and listen. Sometimes you’ve done a project three years already and one person comes in and says, “Why haven’t you been doing this like this?” And it’s a really different idea, but it’s better. I think you need to get more people thinking and working together to enhance service, fellowship and leadership.

Find new member resources.


Dorina Szalagyi:

Technology is very important, especially social media. If you are doing a lot of service projects, and if you are helping many people, this is great. But if nobody knows about it, then it’s not really efficient. Social media can help you share an idea with other Lions and inspire them to do a similar activity in their communities.

Improve your club’s social media presence.


Paul Fugate:

Thinking outside the box to me is something that you’ve never done before that is outside of your parameters of thinking. It’s amazing when you come up with an idea and everyone gets behind it.

This year, we wanted to do a district-wide project for childhood cancer, something we’ve never done before as a district. We came up with this idea to have a Beat Childhood Cancer Night at the local minor league baseball game in our district. The team is going to wear special jerseys with the Lion logo and yellow childhood cancer ribbon on them, and we’re going to auction off those jerseys and hopefully raise money to help with a local childhood cancer charity here in Eastern Iowa.

Watch how Lions in Iowa support families with childhood cancer.

More resources:


Lions Specialty Clubs Program
Leo-Lion Program
LCI and LCIF Grants
Advocacy Toolkit
Youth Involvement
Lions Video Center

Jacqui MacKenzie is the social media and community manager for Lions Clubs International.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted communities around the world in different ways. To ensure we’re serving safely wherever we live, Lions should follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization or local health authorities. Visit our Serving Safely page for resources that can help you safely serve your community.