
LCIF Helps to Ease the Burden in Brazil

LCIF Admin 2016 年 08 月 10 日

The Father Tiãozinho Cancer Patient Support Association was founded in 2004 to serve cancer patients who travel to Monte Claros for treatment from other parts of Mina Gerais, Brazil.


For the first nine years, the association arranged home stays for traveling patients through a network of volunteer families. Each patient was given transportation to and from treatments, as well.  In 2013, the association proudly opened a 32-bed extended stay home located near two of Monte Claros' major hospitals. The home provides cancer patients with a centralized place for lodging, meals, occupational therapy, and transportation to and from treatment. Each patient is accompanied by a family member or friend who stays with them for the duration of their treatment. Local Lions clubs’ fundraising helps to pay the home's operating costs.


Though the association continued to grow, its fleet of vehicles did not. The association was using a five-passenger vehicle for all of its transportation needs, and the limited space caused delays in getting patients to their treatments.


The Lions of District LC-4 were recently awarded an LCIF Standard grant of US$27,900 to purchase a 15-passenger transportation vehicle and medical equipment for the association. Now, patients are transported in a more efficient and comfortable manner and the home is able to provide improved medical care.


Through standard grant projects, communities gain access to education, technology, health care and many other life-changing improvements. If your club has identified a need in your community that is beyond the scope of traditional club and/or district fundraising activities, a Standard grant could provide matching funds from up to US$100,000 to help you make a real difference right where you live. Review the Standard Grant Criteria & Application today to get started!