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Celebrating New Lions!

lionsclubsorg 2016 년 09 월 30일

When’s the last time you had a birthday party?

For many of us, after adolescence we no longer celebrate birthdays the way we used to, with cake, balloons and tons of our friends around. PDG Carolyn Dorman thought the lack of celebration was a shame and worked together with other Lions in Multiple District 2 to throw one amazing birthday bash!

As a way to celebrate new members throughout Texas, PDG Dorman and a team of 16 Lions worked together to set up a birthday party for all the new members. The party was hosted at a local hotel and was filled with ice cream, cake, flags, horns and “100” balloons, to celebrate our centennial.

All 300 attendees got to witness a special induction ceremony where International President Bob Corlew inducted his daughter and son-in-law, and saw a special award presented to the longest serving Lion who was at the event!

Everyone had so much fun at the birthday party that they’re planning one for next August!

According to PDG Dorman the event, “was a great success with all the cake and ice cream Lions could eat!”

Consider throwing a party for your members, or celebrating in a different way. Some ideas for Ways to Celebrate can be found on our website. Make sure to share all your stories on social media and use #Lions100.

To hear more about PDG Dorman’s multiple district birthday party, listen to the Marketing Department’s September webinar!