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News and Events

Lions Remember PIP Dr. Jean Behar

lionsclubsorg 2016 년 10 월 04일

Dear Lions,


I regret to inform you that Past International President, Dr. Jean Behar, died at his home on October 2, 2016 after a decline in his health.  He was 87 years old.


The late PIP Behar was a life member of the Le Havre Expansion Lions Club.  He was also the founder and honorary president of Medico Lions Club of France, which organizes assistance from French Lions clubs to low income countries.  Dr. Behar held many positions within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, district governor and council chairperson.  He served as an international director from 1990-1992.


As the international president in the millennium year of 2000-2001, he emphasized quality.  His vision spread throughout our organization, and Lions resolved to offer quality assistance to those in need around the world.


As Campaign SightFirst II campaign ambassador, the late past president Behar dedicated his efforts to support the campaign goals specific to eliminating river blindness and emerging threats to vision from diabetes, glaucoma and childhood diseases that can lead to blindness.


His dedication touched and improved the lives of countless people around the world.  As a doctor of radiology, his kindness and understanding manner endeared him to his patients.


In addition to his numerous awards through Lions Clubs International, including the Ambassador of Goodwill, he was recognized by the President of France who named him a Knight of the National Order of Merit.  Dr. Behar was also a multi-level Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.


I know you join me in remembrance of this truly remarkable man, who made so many contributions to Lions and to the lives of people in need.




Messages of support and condolences may be sent to his family via the Lions office in France at:


Maison des Lions de France


295 rue Saint Jacques – F 75005 Paris, France


Or via email at:








Bob Corlew