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Support Lions' Work to Save Sight

LCIF Admin 2016 년 10 월 13일

Did you know that about 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide? Did you also know that as much as 80% of that is preventable? Of those 285 million, 90% of the world's visually impaired people live in developing countries.


These numbers are quite staggering. With Lions at its side, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is a leader in providing support for preventing avoidable blindness and restoring sight for people around the world. LCIF sight programs range from developing and improving eye care systems to providing sight-restoring surgeries and treatments to distributing medications to those most at-risk for eye diseases.


With a focus on building comprehensive and sustainable eye care systems, SightFirst provides funding for projects that deliver eye care services, build or strengthen eye care facilities, train professionals and build awareness about eye health in underserved communities.


You can support Lions' work to save sight by making a personal gift to LCIF's sight programs.


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