community volunteer work

Lions Helping Lions Serve Their Communities

LCIF Marketing 08.09.2017

In 2012, Superstorm Sandy struck the eastern coast of the United States, claiming at least 125 lives and resulting in US$62 billion in damage and losses. Thousands of people were displaced, left without water, electricity or food. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) responded by awarding a US$100,000 Major Catastrophe grant to help local Lions rebuild their communities.

But, when your home is underwater and your family has lost everything, rebuilding your community might not be at the top of your to-do list. Instead, you are trying to find shelter, food, water and clothing. That is where Lions really shine!

In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, Lions from all over the world – including Texas – stepped up to help those reeling from the disaster, mobilizing an additional US$827,505 for relief efforts. Now, five years later, the Lions of New York are returning the favor. Working directly with Lions in Texas to determine the best ways they can help, Lions in New York have been working tirelessly to collect, package and ship goods to Texas. Last Monday, more than 200 Lions and community volunteers packed a truck with US$40,000 worth of non-perishable food, mini refrigerators, school supplies, water and clothing, and sent it to Lions in Conroe, 40 miles outside of Houston. That was only the first truck, and more are expected in the coming weeks. There are 18 collections sites across Long Island where people can drop off their donations and trust that Lions will get those donations to the people who need them most. If your club would like to coordinate with local relief efforts in Texas, you can contact the districts affected at

Lions around the globe are stepping up to help, as well. The Bremerton Central Lions Club in Washington, USA, recently held a fundraiser to benefit hurricane victims. Lions clubs around the world are doing all they can to send their support to hurricane victims in the USA. If your club is supporting Hurricane Harvey relief, you can share your story by contacting – we’d love to hear from you!

Remember, making a donation to LCIF is a great way to amplify the power of your gift. Your donation, combined with those of your fellow Lions, allows LCIF to continue to meet the needs of communities around the world as soon as disasters occur. Please consider making a contribution to LCIF’s disaster relief fund today.

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