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Hem node Bring a Vision of Hope to the World: Sponsor the Lions International Peace Contests
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Bring a Vision of Hope to the World: Sponsor the Lions International Peace Contests

Madeleine Miller, ABC 01.02.2024


For more than 35 years, Lions International has offered children around the world the opportunity to create their visions of peace by sponsoring the Peace Contests. Local Lions clubs sponsor the contests in their neighborhood schools and youth groups.

Sponsoring a Peace Poster Contest is one of the most unique and rewarding projects that your Lions club can be involved in. Not only is your club inspiring children to imagine a world of kindness, you’ll also be engaging with your community and showcasing all the incredible ways that Lions serve.

Designed for kids ages 11 to 13, the Peace Contests offer children the chance to showcase their talent on an international stage and compete for great prizes. The grand prize winner receives US$5,000 and a trip to a special awards ceremony.

Here’s how your club can host a contest. Just purchase your kit to get started!

Top Five Reasons to Sponsor the Peace Contests:

  1. Encourage children to express their feelings through art.

    By giving children a creative outlet for their thoughts, they can discover new ways to speak their mind.

  2. Boost kids’ self-esteem and let them know that their ideas matter.

    The recognition that children receive from participating in the Peace Contests will help them gain the confidence they need to become leaders and peacemakers.

  3. Give your club the opportunity to promote peace in a world of conflict.

    Social media feeds are noisy with world news items that break hearts and ignite anger. Share a child’s image of peace and bring a smile to someone’s day.

  4. Increase your club’s visibility in the community.

    Work with local school districts and youth groups. Get community leaders involved. Contact news outlets to announce the winners. Let your town know that your Lions club is committed to youth engagement and international peace and tell them how they can participate.

  5. Give children and adults hope for a peaceful future.

    In a world filled with conflict and uncertainty, the need for kindness, peace and love has become even greater. And who better to illustrate this than a child? Make a difference in a child’s life and promote peace in your community. Most importantly, it gives children—and adults—hope for the future.

Purchase your 2024-25 Peace Poster kit, Peace Without Limits, today and help pave the way to peace and international understanding in your community.

Madeleine Miller, ABC is the senior strategic communications specialist for Lions International.