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Disaster Relief

LCIF Responds to the Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia

LCIF Marketing 2018 年 10 月 03 日

On Friday, September 28, 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and triggered a tsunami.

Today, five days later, the situation for survivors is dire. As of October 2, the death toll is at 1,300 and still rising. Tens of thousands of structures have been obliterated, electrical poles are down throughout the region and many roads are impassable. Survivors are begging on the roadside for food and water and sleeping outside because of the risk of aftershocks.

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has awarded a US$100,000 grant to assist with relief efforts. We will continue to mobilize donations for this disaster to provide additional grant funds as Lions on the ground assess and identify needs.

Thanks to the support Lions provide to LCIF on an ongoing basis, Emergency Grants are available to provide for basic immediate needs including food, water, clothing and medicine. We have learned from experience that when a disaster victim receives aid quickly, it provides strength needed to survive the shock and loss, and even a little hope for the future.

After immediate needs are met, victims of disasters are not forgotten. LCIF remains committed to the important rebuilding of homes and lives that must happen, often long after a disaster occurs. Through Major Catastrophe grants, LCIF helps with long-term reconstruction projects to help victims begin to return to their lives and regain their independence.

At the heart of LCIF’s disaster relief programs are the individuals and families your donations reach.

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Visit LCIF.org/BE100 to learn how Campaign 100 will deeply engage in disaster relief efforts and in preparing for, and responding to, natural disasters whenever and wherever they strike.