显示共计 66 页中的第 1 - 10 页。
[pdf] Sponsoring A New ClubWhen you sponsor a new club there are important roles and responsibilities involved, and this guide will help you better understand what to expect.
[mp4] 狮子会和受训犬协助残障人士组织无论人们的热情为何,狮子会特殊兴趣分会乐助其长。 了解美国康涅狄格州的 ecad 狮子会分会支部如何与受训犬协助残障人士 (ecad) 组织合作 - 这是一个为残障人士训练和安置服务犬的当地组织。
The Lions Humanitarian Award is awarded by the Lions clubs International President to a peron of "substantial humanitarian accomplishment."