
Lions Stories

Guest Post: DG Partners, New Lions

lionsclubsorg 2016 年 07 月 27 日

Today's post is by Dianne Corlew, Lion and wife of International President Chancellor Bob Corlew. Be sure to follow Dianne's Lions Partners in Education Facebook page!

At the District Governors Elect Partners in Service Seminar, I talked about membership and the impact we can make as members. I also expressed that the best way to support our DG partners is to become a Lion! I then offered the opportunity to become members at the DGE Celebration Banquet. Six people responded that they wanted to become members. We had an overwhelming response at the banquet! But I wanted to share with you the stories of the six who contacted me.

Carol from Kentucky

Carol’s husband, DG Guy, has been a Lion for 21 years. They have been married for 31 years. Carol has helped with projects and attended various meetings and events. Carol surprised Guy! DG Guy was amazed and pleased to have his wife and number one supporter as his first new member of his DG year.

When DG Guy and Lion Carol returned from the International Convention and told their daughter, Alyssa (22 years old), that Carol has become a Lion, the first thing out of her mouth was “And when do I get to become a Lion?” Alyssa is now a Lion as well as their 25 year old son, Kyle.

Carlota from Panama

I first meet Carlota and her husband, Richardo, two years ago when we visited Panama. We immediately formed a friendship. She has a family strongly involved in Lions. Their daughter is a Lion. Their grandson is also involved. When we talked to their grandson he told us he wants to be a Lions Clubs International District Governor someday. What a great aspiration for a young man! Carlota was like so many others I have met. She has a heart of a Lion, works harder than a lot of Lions members, but is not a member. I encouraged her then and again on a later visit to become a Lion. I was so excited and happy when she and Richardo came to get their DGE photos and she told me she was going to join!

Joe from Iowa

Joe Prochaska, Partner in Service of DG Lisa Prochaska, decided to join. They are from Iowa Falls Lions Club. Lisa joined in 2010 and quickly held club offices. Lisa’s club met at noon and Joe could not get away from his job for the meeting. He works 30 minutes away. Bob and I were like that as well, and I shared this at the Partners in Service Seminar. That is why Bob and I belong to different clubs. Just recently Lisa’s club decided to change their meeting times to one at noon and one in the evening. That way they could offer times to accommodate more members. Joe decided now was the time for him to join. What a great way to support a woman in a leadership position! And we are so glad to have Joe as a member of Lions Clubs International!

District Governors Partners

Debbie from Pennsylvania

Debbie McKnight, a Lioness, decided to join and support her husband, DG Kerry McKnight. Debbie has been a member of the New Freedom Lioness Club for 16 years. As a Lioness she has been involved in service for years. I absolutely love to see what I call “Lioness Lions”! She is now a member of both clubs. DG Kerry had encouraged Debbie to join as an example for other spouses. Now DG Kerry and Debbie plan to work together with a goal to increase women membership in the district. I am sure they will accomplish this goal!

Rosemarie from Africa

Rosemarie Maythem, spouse of DG Lance Maytham, decided to join also. They are from the Bredasdorp Lions Club, the southernmost club in Africa! Bredasorp is a grain and sheep farming community. Lance is an accountant. Rosemarie is retired from a dried flower export company.

Lance became a Lion in 1980. Ladies were not permitted to join then. When Lions clubs opened up to women, Lance’s club did not immediately accept ladies as members. Rosemarie has worked side by side with Lance for years. Rosemarie will continue to work side by side with Lance but she is now his first new member of his District Governor year! Rosemarie, we are so glad to have you as a member!

Amy from Massachusetts

We met DGE Andy Port last year in Massachusetts. He has the kindest, gentlest and most caring spirit. His wife, Amy, is a volunteer in her church and her community. She was president of the town’s food pantry, a deacon in their church, and served the community of Holliston for 21 years in various service roles. She is the sweetest lady. I was surprised to find out she was not a Lion. Well, she is now! DG Andy said his year is off to a great start. I saw DG Andy later at the convention and he said his District Governor year was off to a great start because he had as his first new member - the most giving, caring person in the world.