
1st USA/Canada LEO Leadership Forum

Leo Clubs 2017 年 10 月 30 日

For the first time, Leos from Constitutional Areas I & II participated in a Leo Area Forum in New York, New York USA.  Lion Pablo Romano led efforts to organize the forum and shares his thoughts on what made this event so special.

What was great about this event?

The best part of this event was the friendships that were made by Leos. These Leos arrived not knowing a soul in the room and made connections with Leos from other parts of the country.



What inspired you to lead this event?

As a former Leo, it was always my dream to develop an event where Leos from throughout the region could gather to learn, interact and have fun.



What was the most memorable part of the event?

The most memorable part of the event was the UN Women training that Leos received. Just to hear these young leaders talk about global issues was inspiring.

Check out this video which highlights the 2017 event.

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