
首頁 node Tending Our Communities, One Family at a Time

Tending Our Communities, One Family at a Time

Mahesh Chitnis 2024 年 05 月 15 日
Edison Visionary Lions

My club, the Edison Visionary Lions, knows the power of community. Throughout our home base in Edison, New Jersey, we work hard to foster deep roots with our neighbors and believe in the power of service—especially when it comes to helping others in need.

Over the last year, our club has been a proud participant of the Engage to Change pilot co-sponsorship initiative available across the United States. This experience has been unlike any other we’ve done together as a club. Through this initiative, we’ve had the unique opportunity to welcome not one, but two refugee families into our community.

Working with these families has been a life-changing experience for us all. Originally from Afghanistan, the parents and their children—ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers—have experienced immense tumult and uncertainty. Now that they’re settled here in their new homes, our club came together to make their experience as welcoming and positive as we could.

I recently had the opportunity to reflect on this service journey at an incredible event—Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) in New York. Standing in front of a crowd of nearly 400 people that included Lions, Leos, Lions international executive officers and United Nations dignitaries, I put my thoughts into words about what a lasting impact this service journey has had on myself and my entire club.

Past Council Chair Mahesh Chitnis addresses attendees at LDUN New York on March 1, 2024

Past Council Chair Mahesh Chitnis addresses attendees at LDUN New York on March 1, 2024

I’ve been proud to attend LDUN for several years, and it’s a day where we convene to champion the ideals of worldwide harmony and cooperation. This resonates deeply with the importance of endeavors like the Engage to Change initiative, particularly in the current global context.

As we contemplate the refugee crisis, we must acknowledge the profound contributions refugees have made to their adopted homelands. Throughout history, individuals displaced by adversity have woven their talents, resilience and perseverance into the very fabric of their new communities.

Consider luminaries like Albert Einstein, whose escape from persecution in Nazi Germany led to groundbreaking scientific revelations in the United States and reshaping our understanding of the universe. Similarly, Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger, both refugees turned statesmen, exemplify resilience and determination, leaving indelible marks on the world stage through their diplomatic endeavors.

Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, fled religious persecution in Russia, eventually contributing to transformative technological advancements in the United States and highlighting refugees' potential to drive innovation and economic growth.

The commitment of organizations like Lions International and my club to co-sponsor the resettlement of two refugee families goes beyond mere charity. It symbolizes our dedication to fostering compassion and understanding in a world too often fractured by conflict.

In recent years, the global refugee population has swelled due to persecution, violence and instability. Yet amidst their hardships, these families carry resilience and hope for a brighter future. It is our duty, as global citizens, to extend unwavering support and solidarity.

The Engage to Change initiative epitomizes our collective responsibility and compassion, enriching our community with a diverse tapestry of perspectives and life experiences. Thanks to the steadfast dedication of our club members, alongside the support of numerous others, we have not only provided a secure haven but unlocked opportunities for these families to envision and forge a brighter tomorrow.

This service opportunity brought profound satisfaction to our club, strengthening our bonds and reinvigorating our collective spirit. Upon the families' arrival, my fellow Lions Nikita, Suresh, Rahul and many other club members acted swiftly to acquire essential furniture for their homes.

Meanwhile, Lion Krystle tirelessly procured fresh produce to fulfill their immediate needs. While most members focused on addressing the families' fundamental requirements, Lions Deepak, Anu and Kartika devoted themselves to facilitating the children's school enrollment and providing career guidance to the adults. Lion Sunil remained on standby, offering local assistance as necessary, while Leo-Lion Ojas mentored the school-aged children, offering valuable insights into the U.S. academic system and motivating them to strive for excellence in their professional pursuits.

Even beyond our club's efforts, the broader community united in solidarity. Influential local figures such as New Jersey Assemblyman Rob Karabinchak, Edison Mayor Sam Joshi and other elected officials wholeheartedly lent their support and resources to advance our mission of compassion and empowerment.

As we stand together in advocacy for peace, let us reaffirm our commitment to a world where every individual, regardless of background, thrives in dignity and security. Let us shine as beacons of hope and compassion, guiding the way toward inclusivity and opportunity for all.

I urge each of you to join our mission in supporting initiatives like Engage to Change. Together, let us realize a vision of a brighter tomorrow, rooted in kindness and solidarity.

Learn more about the Engage to Change Co-Sponsorship Initiative at Lions International and how clubs like Edison Visionary can provide life-changing service. Let us know if your club is interested in learning more at refugee.resettlement@lionsclubs.org.

Mahesh Chitnis is the past council chairperson and president of the Edison Visionary Lions Club. He is also a board member of the American Red Cross Central New Jersey Chapter and vice chair of the Sayreville Human Relations Commission.