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Message from the Chairperson: A New Lions Year is the Start of Something Great

LCIF Admin 01. August 2016

Dear Lions,YamadaOfficial2

I am honored to serve as Chairperson of your Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). I believe strongly in our Foundation, which is a vital part of Lions’ international service efforts. One of the most touching moments of my life was seeing how Lions joined together with LCIF to provide food, supplies, and opportunities to the refugees struggling in Europe. I am so proud to be a part of this foundation.

LCIF helps Lions improve peoples’ lives around the world, combating vision problems, responding to major catastrophes, providing valuable life skills to youth, and so much more. LCIF helps all Lions serve by providing grant funding for your local and global humanitarian efforts, and Lions help to support LCIF’s mission.

LCIF sets a fundraising goal every year to meet Lions’ humanitarian needs worldwide. While we do not have the final numbers yet for 2015-16, we expect that you Lions donated over US$39 million. What an incredible feat! With your help, we hope to raise just over US$45 million this year so that we may continue serving the world and promoting harmony.

I like to think of the beginning of a new year the start of something great, and I am excited to embark on this journey alongside you Lions, some of the most dedicated and selfless people the world has ever seen.  I know that together we will achieve many great accomplishments this year. Thank you for your dedication to our Foundation!


Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada

Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Read the rest of the July newsletter on our website.