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Devastating Floods in Louisiana

LCIF Admin 22. August 2016

On August 12, 2016, a dangerous flash flood swept across Louisiana, USA. Relentless rains have left thousands of people without electricity in hot and humid conditions. Nearly 30,000 people had to be rescued by the National Guard, search & rescue teams, and neighbors with boats.

Lions of Districts 8 N and 8 O are assessing the changing needs on the ground as they work to finalize their Emergency grant requests. Many of the impacted areas were previously damaged by Hurricane Katrina, though to a lesser extent. The damage is widespread and the Lions are collaborating to maximize local resources while they prepare their Emergency Grant applications.

District 8 N

  • 11 of 12 parishes have flooded (including Livingston and Baton Rouge)
  • 20,000 home damaged
  • 50,000 displaced
  • Area clubs have been mobilized to provide relief and distribute goods.
  • District Governor Bill Heyerdale has established contact with a regional pharmacy facility to make provisions to replace medicine for affected residents.
  • LCIF has awarded a US$10,000 emergency grant and local Lions clubs have been mobilized to distribute goods such as food, clothing, medicine and cleaning supplies in Livingston and Baton Rouge parishes.

District 8 O

  • 7 of 8 parishes flooded (including Lafayette and Jefferson Davis)
  • Mandatory evacuations in Jefferson and Vermilion parishes
  • 3,000 persons displaced
  • Rains have stopped, but rivers have swelled in communities where they usually do not.
  • Area clubs have been mobilized to assist.

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) will continue to monitor the situation and offer the necessary guidance to ensure that all Emergency grant requests are promptly processed.

Please consider making a gift to LCIF’s disaster fund. Remember, these donations are MJF-eligible and will go a long way in providing help and hope to those who need it most.

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