Lions and International Diabetes Federation Come Together to Tackle Diabetes

lionsclubsorg 29.03.2018

At Lions Day with the United Nations in New York on March 24, 2018, International President Naresh Aggarwal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) President Prof. Nam H. Cho to establish a cooperative alliance in the global fight against diabetes. The two organizations will come together to help prevent diabetes and improve the quality of life for those living with diabetes worldwide.


Working together to achieve common goals


The signing of the MOU solidifies a partnership that will operate at the national, regional and global levels. The two organizations agree to cooperate in good faith to achieve common goals:

  • Prevent diabetes and improve the quality of life for those diagnosed
  • Raise diabetes awareness and provide education where it is needed
  • Development of holistic diabetes service projects to improve care
  • Elevate the issue of diabetes onto the national and global political agenda
  • Increase access to diabetes care, medication and diagnostic equipment


Diabetes is fast becoming a global health emergency


Diabetes affects 425 million adults worldwide, with the total set to reach 629 million by 2045. An estimated 90% are affected by type 2 diabetes, which is largely preventable. One in two people with diabetes has not yet been diagnosed, and their diabetes is not controlled. When diabetes is uncontrolled, it can have dire consequences on health and well-being and result in a number of serious complications that impact harshly on the finances of individuals, their families and the economies of nations. People with diabetes who depend on life-saving insulin and regular monitoring to manage their condition pay the ultimate price when they cannot access affordable medication and equipment.


A timely and welcome partnership


IDF President Prof. Nam H. Cho said, “Diabetes is fast becoming a global health emergency. Lions Clubs International is a dynamic movement with a vast and influential network. Our organizations are ideally placed to collaborate and make a difference for the many millions now living with diabetes and all those at risk.”


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