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Community Legacy Projects

U.S. Veterans Celebrated by Martins Ferry Lions Club Legacy Project

Madeleine Miller, ABC 10 août 2017

It’s easy for Americans to take the freedoms we all enjoy for granted. But members of the Martins Ferry Lions Club in Martins Ferry, Ohio, were determined not to forget about the sacrifices that U.S. veterans have made so that millions of people could live in freedom.

For their club’s Centennial Legacy Project, Martins Ferry Lions designed and built a dedication wall to honor veterans from the five branches of the U.S. military—those who have served, those who are now serving and those who will serve in the future.

“This was a great project for our club to undertake,” said Paul Riethmiller, president of the Martins Ferry Lions Club and former mayor of the city. “We built the wall together, and designed the landscaping, creating a visually stunning project that will endure forever. We located the wall in our city park, which is a very busy part of Martins Ferry. When people drive by, the wall will remind them of our veterans and what they’ve done for us and for our country.”

Club members erected a five-wing stone wall using 2,500 landscaping stones to create a 37-foot long, eight-foot tall structure. Each wing sports a 32-inch round logo of one branch of the U.S. military, and 16-foot tall flag poles displaying all the flags of the military stand at attention behind the wings. Lions poured a concrete pad and sidewalks around the wall to finish the project. Every night, large spotlights illuminate the wall.

Through pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners and other local events, the Lions raised nearly $12,000 to complete their Legacy Project. They are proud of the fact that every dollar to build the wall was spent in Martins Ferry. Lions, area residents and an array of local dignitaries were all on hand when the wall was dedicated last year during the Memorial Day holiday.

“This project has brought a great sense of pride to our club and our community,” observed Riethmiller. “Our club supports the Lions motto ‘We Serve’ in all that we do. And we sincerely appreciate the brave men and women who have served our country, and are willing to pay the ultimate price to ensure that we have all the freedoms we enjoy today.”

What will your Lions club legacy be? This is the last year to celebrate the Centennial with a Legacy Project, so start planning yours today!