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Accueil Membership Growth Event Toolbox

Membership Growth Event Toolbox

Membership Growth Event Toolbox banner

The membership growth toolkit is dedicated to provide you with the necessary resources in preparing for and hosting a successful membership growth event. The material and resources have been proven time and time again. This will help prepare you to engage active members and new volunteers. These resources are crucial to the development and growth of our association's membership. Utilizing the assets listed on this page will help you reevaluate our approach to supporting member retention and the way we serve and interact within our local communities and worldwide. Answering the call for service is leading with service.


Membership Growth Event Presentation for Lions

Membership Satisfaction Guide

Club Quality Initiative (CQI)

Plan for Your Club’s Success

Your Club, Your Way


Membership Growth Event Checklist

Proposed Agenda for Membership Growth Event

Template Invitation Letter

Membership Event Master Database

Points of Follow-Up Responses for Prospective Members

Membership 101


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Sutton Racing Lions Club

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