मुख्य पृष्ठ node Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI)

Lions and Leos who wish to pursue leadership roles within their club will benefit from the ELLI, where they will learn the history and goals of Lions Clubs International and the Foundation, develop strategies for being an effective leader and collaborate with a diverse group of fellow Lions and Leos.

The ELLI is offered at the local level and organized by regional leaders.

Attend an ELLI


Eligible Lions and Leos for ELLI:

  • Have successfully served on a club committee.
  • Have not yet attained the position of Lions club president.
  • Have not attended an international or local ELLI within the last five (5) years.

Club first vice presidents are strongly encouraged to attend.

Contact your GLT coordinator for details about upcoming training, additional qualifications and how to apply.

Plan an ELLI


To organize an ELLI in your area:

*Applications must be submitted 3-4 months prior to the institute start date. Upon approval of the application, Lions Clubs International will provide the curriculum and additional support resources.

Which application are you eligible for?

Leadership Development Institutes

Apply for a grant to offset the costs of an ELLI.

  • Multiple districts are eligible to receive up to US$4500. 
  • Single districts are eligible to receive up to US$1800.
  • Undistricted provisional zones, regions and districts are eligible to receive up to US$750.

Grant recipients are eligible to receive additional funds when Leos are included in their ELLI. Learn more about the ELLI Leo Grant.

Learn more about the Institute Grant Program.

Apply now

Leadership Development Institutes

Organize an ELLI that is locally funded and independent of financial support from Lions Clubs International.

Request application

The ELLI Experience


The ELLI is an interactive, 3-day institute that provides valuable leadership skills and the necessary knowledge to be an effective club president. 

ELLI sessions are required to be delivered according to the schedule provided.

Day 1


  • Opening Session: Meet your faculty and fellow participants.
  • Lions Past, Present and Future: Explore the relationship between the history of Lions and the roles of Lions leaders; consider opportunities for the future.


  • Change Management: Recognize the reasons people resist change and describe the stages of accepting change.
  • Supporting Lions Teams: Identify the four stages of team development, strategies for supporting teams and evaluating the effectiveness of teams.
  • LCIF Topic Preparation: Develop a group presentation about an assigned LCIF topic.
Day 2


  • Communication: Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your own communication style and that of others; discover the characteristics of an active listener. 
  • Conducting Effective Meetings: Understand the phases of good meeting management, learn how to manage participant behavior.


  • Diversity: Recognize the value of diversity and its impact on Lions clubs. 
  • Lions Mentoring Program: Utilize the Lions Mentoring Program process to support your development as a Lion.
Day 3


  • Creative Thinking: Apply creative thinking to enhance ideas for Lions projects.
  • LCIF: Participant groups will present their assigned LCIF topic to the class.


  • Ensuring Club Success: Leverage the Club Quality Initiative to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. 
  • Closing: Feedback and evaluation.



If you have any further questions about attending or planning an ELLI, please contact us at institutes@lionsclubs.org.