To be or not to be a Model Club? That is the question. The answer? A resounding “Be a Model Club!” If you’re ready to help your Club become a Leader among Leaders, read on to learn why being a Campaign 100 Model Club is the…
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
An overview of LCIF's investments and impact, programs, donations and financial information for fiscal year 2022-2023.
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Lions Quest Grants are designed to support the development, implementation or expansion of the Lions Quest program. These grants provide funding to increase the number of schools, youth-serving…
The Seoul Star Hosanna Lions club in Seoul, South Korea, is the only club in Korea comprised of teachers for students with developmental disabilities. And their lessons are changing lives far beyond the classroom. Founded by…
Bullying is a serious problem among youth, especially as the use of mobile devices and social media takes bullying outside of the classroom and into children's everyday lives. Learn how Lions engage youth through Leo clubs, Lions Quest, youth…