New Voices story form which allows the nominees to tell their story in the category they were chosen (Membership, Leadership, Service or Marketing).
A questionnaire to the Lions who have not attended a district convention requesting feedback.
A questionnaire to the Lions who attended a district convention.
[pdf] Session EvaluationSurvey given to the participants to evaluate the session at the district convention
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Lions Quest are proud to be a founding member of The Choose Kindness Alliance, a coalition of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations championing…
Find answers you’re looking for! Explore frequently asked questions in the help center, find a club near you, or submit a request to get in contact with the right people who can help with your…
We encourage you to explore the different grant types and resources within this online LCIF grant toolkit to find out if there’s a grant that’s right for your club, district or multiple district now…
[mp4] The Heartbeat of ServiceWith the help of generous donations and a grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions in New York purchased a new ambulance for their community. Lions know the needs of their communities better than anyone. And our service from the heart…
Explore financial resources, including expense claims forms for current and past international officers, directors and district governors and reimbursement policies.