Read Lion Carolyn Hall's profile of another finalist for the Top Club Service Award: the Opunake Lions Clubs in MD202 New Zealand.
[mp4] The Heartbeat of ServiceWith the help of generous donations and a grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions in New York purchased a new ambulance for their community. Lions know the needs of their communities better than anyone. And our service from the heart…
Executive Summary of International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of International Board of Directors Meeting
LCIF offers a wide variety of grant programs to support your service. Join VP Dr. Patti Hill to learn more about LCIF grants and hear from Lions whose projects and communities benefitted from LCIF funding.
Learn more about the Global HOPE partnership, how Lions are advocating for pediatric cancer awareness, and how our work in vision is helping improve cancer outcomes.
Executive Summary for the October 2020 LCIF Executive Committee Meeting
A summary of the LCIF Board of Trustees meeting that took place August 9-11, 2018 in Oak Brook, IL.
A summary of the LCIF Board of Trustees meeting that took place October 13, 2018 in Ojai, California, USA
Executive Summary of International Board of Directors Meeting