As Lions support their communities through the COVID-19 pandemic, LCIF is providing critical assistance and preparing for a post-COVID-19 world.
See a list of districts recognized for achieving their district goals in previous Lions years.
Get more information on the Lions Day with the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland here.
Childhood Cancer Grants are available to Lions districts and multiple districts in amounts from US$10,000 to US$150,000. Childhood Cancer Grants are designed to help enable Lions projects that…
A brochure showcasing the impact of LCIF in the USA and Canada. This brochure also encourages Lions to support the foundation by showing how their donations will make a difference.
Lions and LCIF are there to help communities with both immediate and long-term needs after hurricanes, floods, fires, and other devastating natural disasters.
Lions serve in many ways. But there are a number of causes and initiatives we support on a global level.
The Second Century Ambassador program was an opportunity for innovative Lions to invest in the future of our organization.
See the ways Lions are strengthening the relationship between communities and the environment through environmental stewardship.