See how the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may be changing the way we live, but it hasn’t changed who we are. We are Lions who serve.
Find out how Lions stepped in when 3 year old Peter McHugh was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), and his home was no longer suitable for him.
See how Lions in Botswana, alongside Global HOPE® and other organization, are among those helping families see the possibilities, the hope, for a healthier future for children with cancer.
In Katmandu, Lions saw the need to help those without the ability to walk. Find out how they partnered with Mobility Worldwide to deliver hand-powered carts to those in need.
Read about Joseph Pagulayan, who lived at the Lions Streetchildrens Center for 10 years. Today, he returns the favor by coming back to cut hair and entertain the kids.
Find out how the Lions of France have helped the elderly during the pandemic, when many retirement homes have ended visiting hours for family and friends, and in some cases.
See how the Lions-supported American Printing House (APH) for the Blind sends a free print/braille children’s book to thousands of visually impaired children in the US every other month.
Read about the Special Olympics Beach Games, a new games model that takes place by the seaside, was held on Santos Beach in São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city. 130 Lions and 320 athletes were there.
Find out how Lions are working to help those in need, even during the pandemic. In Suriname in South America, LCIF gave a US$10,000 Emergency grant to build a hospital triage center.
Because of a US$85,000 LCIF grant, 12,000 children and educators in Bangladesh participated in a 12-month pilot program of Lions Quest, which provided lessons on skills needed to manage emotions,…