A deep dive into Facebook for Lions, including basics on page vs. profile, friends vs. followers; best practices on what to post, hashtags and engagement; and a brief how-to on starting your account.
In this episode, Lions address global concerns such as hunger, disease and poverty; clubs in Indonesia adopt an entire village; Montana Lions plant a garden with students to combat childhood obesity; and Lions in India help disabled people lead…
Celebrate Lions centennial, along with association milestones, accomplishments and the launch of our new global causes.
Use this activity book as a way to engage kids who are participating in your club's Cub program. They will learn about Lions and Humanitarian Service.
[mp4] Lions KidsSight USALearn about the growth and impact of Lions KidSight USA. Become a vision screener, visit LionsKidsSightUSA.org.
In Kolkata, Lions organize a diabetic screening camp at the train station to raise awareness and screen blood sugar. Early detection is critical in India where the onset of diabetes occurs, on average, between age 25-34. This is almost 20 years…
This LQ features Lions stories about a park in California for children of all abilities; Lions Quest, a life-skills program for youth; drug dogs sponsored by Lions in Sweden; and communities coming together through runs, walks and rides.
The Virginia Lake of the Woods Lions Club engages its 90+ members and community, including a weekly yard sale that raises nearly $50,000 annually.
Discover how the Dade City Hispanic American Lions Club in Florida is bringing hope and change through service to the local farm-working community and more.
The Whitefish Lions Club Farm to School Project planted the seed for what has grown into the Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship–Montana's first zero-net energy building.