Since 2002, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has partnered with Johnson & Johnson to implement the largest-known, school-based eye health program, Sight For Kids.
Learn about the hunger chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
2014-2015 Lions Clubs International President Joe Preston reflects on the launch of the Centennial Service Challenge to serve more than 100 million people by June 2018.
In partnership with Internationally-renowned agencies and non-governmental organizations, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has been helping the effort to fight measles across the planet.…
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Lions Quest are proud to be a founding member of The Choose Kindness Alliance, a coalition of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations championing…
[pdf] Collection AgreementForm for Lions to use when setting up eyeglass collection sites/boxes in their community.
Learn about the environment chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
Provides a mechanism for clubs and districts to resolve disputes about the interpretation, breach of or application of the International Constitution and By-Laws or any policy or procedure adopted from time to time by the International Board of…
Learn about the vision chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
[pdf] The Art of StorytellingJoin Erin Kasdin, Senior Editor at Lions Clubs International, as she explains how to reel in readers and recruit new members with a powerful narrative. A live question and answer session will follow.