Get ready for the 102nd Lions International Convention in Milan, Italy, on July 5-9, 2019!
Active duty, retired and honorably discharged military service members may qualify for the Involve a Veteran Program and receive an entrance or charter fee waiver when joining a Lions club.
The First Vice District Governors/District Governors-Elect (FVDGs/DGEs) Seminar is an intensive multi-day training seminar designed to equip FVDGs/DGEs with the knowledge, vision, and skills…
Find out how you can leverage Lions International marketing, social media, brand guidelines, and kits to create high-impact promotions that will get your club noticed. Get inspired to build our brand of service and increase awareness of Lions around…
[mp4] The Heartbeat of ServiceWith the help of generous donations and a grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation, Lions in New York purchased a new ambulance for their community. Lions know the needs of their communities better than anyone. And our service from the heart…
This was a webinar to help Lions with adopting virtual clubs into their club structure. The Hawaii Cyber Club was the lead presenter.
2001-2002 International President J. Frank Moore III reflects on the history of Lions' partnership with the Gates Foundation.