Lion Leaders Meet with Members of Congress in Washington U.S. Board Members from Lions Clubs International met with members of Congress as part of Lions Clubs International Capitol Hill Day. The event was…
2004-2005 International President Clement F. Kusiak reflects on the importance of forging partnerships with country leaders.
[doc] Full Moon Baby DayAt each full moon, the Galle Lions Club in Galle, Sri Lanka, distributes baby clothing and supplies to new mothers.
The Ohio County Virtual Lions Club will be presenting their first episode about how they have served their community in a virtual world.
High school students in Uruguay work with their local Lions club on an organic greenhouse—helping them bring their ideas to life.
Learn about how Lions clubs serve over 200 countries and geographic areas, with over 48,000 clubs and 1.4 million members.
Advocacy is another way for Lions and Leos to serve the causes we care about. When you advocate, you use your voice to educate and influence more people to get on board with a movement.
[doc] Reading Action ProgramThe Reading Action Program called for Lions to organize service projects that promote reading. Lions clubs around the world responded with a broad variety of reading programs and donations of books and computers.
[mp4] Houses Full of LoveTo help the growing number of struggling elderly, Lions clubs in Busan started "The Houses Full of Love" project to repair and refurbish homes.
This document contains both the provisions from the International Constitution and By-Laws and Board Policy Manual regarding redistricting.