Explore how DCGs can offer a new opportunity for Lions to support humanitarian activities in their communities.
This strategic planning tool is based on LCI Forward and and the Five Steps to helping your club’s operations be more efficient and facilitates change.
Worksheet to gather information prior to starting application on MyLCI. This worksheet will ensure that you have gathered all the required components of a new club.
Lions clubs International offers two award certificates that recognize those Lions who guide Leos through the decision to become Leo-Lion members and charter Leo-Lion clubs. Find out how you may be eligible for these awards.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to report their appointed Leo Club Advisor and Leo Club President for the fiscal year. This should be done each fiscal year, either through MyLCI, but if they do not have access to MyLCI, then they use this…
This webinar focused on the Club Excellence Award and how the qualifications outlined in the application can be used as your club’s road map to excellence.
This form is available for LCIF District Coordinators to keep track of their montly club visits.
This is the presentation file for the webinar "Club Officer Training and Resources".
[pdf] Benefits of Being a LionThis flyer outlines some of the many benefits one has when choosing to be a member of a Lions Club.