To be or not to be a Model Club? That is the question. The answer? A resounding “Be a Model Club!” If you’re ready to help your club become a Leader among Leaders, read on to learn why being a Campaign 100 Model Club is the…
This flyer helps educate a Lion on the importance of becoming a sponsor for new members as well as their responsibilities when they welcome a new member.
In Nairobi, Lions work with a local school to provide basic health exams, water, and help promote healthy living habits.
LCIF offers numerous grant opportunities to empower Lions service. These tips will help you develop successful grant applications.
In 2021, a maritime disaster off the coast of Japan brought together a group of passionate independent volunteers to assist in the clean-up. Seeing their dedication, Council Chairperson Tomoyuki…
Visualize a great virtual convention! Hear from PID Steve Glass, PID Tom Gordon and David Kingsbury, General Counsel of LCI as they take you through start to finish of your convention. Tips on training, recognition, business session, engaging your…
[doc] Going to ExtremesU.S. Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd carried the Lions flag with him on historic flights over the North and South Poles in the 1920s.
As Lions support their communities through the COVID-19 pandemic, LCIF is providing critical assistance and preparing for a post-COVID-19 world.
This year, Lions far and wide have served more than 275 million people. But what does that actually look like?
In 2014, the marketing challenge for my 70-year-old club, the South Tucson Lions Club, was to build a new brand image. We wanted to stop being the “best-kept secret,” and start being the talk of the town. We wanted to really…