Six-year-old Joyce Chikwama from Zambia almost suffered vision loss due to a growth in her eye. Thanks to a partnership between Lions Aid Zambia, Latter-day Saint Charities, and LCIF, she received…
Read about the Whitefish Lions Club, which started a Farm to School program in 2011.
On April 25, 2015, a devastating earthquake in Nepal, known as the Gorkha earthquake, took the lives of nearly 9,000 people. When Lions saw the severe damage schools suffered and how this damage was…
We asked Leos to “show us your why” with the theme #WhyLeo In the 2019 International Leo Video Contest. See how they celebrated what it means to be a Leo.
LCIF developed a CSR partnership with Sumitomo Chemical India to provide water to Pimpurna, India through a solar powered irrigation project. Using the renewable energy produced by solar panels,…
Lions clubs in California plan COVID-safe fireworks and recruits new members. Read the story here.
See how the Lions of Visakhapatnam Lions Club in Vizag, India, alongside the GAT, have come up with a creative solution to the questions of “how” and “where” to connect donations to needs.
When Lions and clubs give online or through Facebook fundraising, it strengthens LCIF’s support to fund Lions service throughout the world. Find out how to pledge online.
See how the District and Club Community Impact Grant, or DCG, program incentivizes both Lions donations to LCIF and Lions service projects, which match the mission and global cause areas LCIF and…
See how the Leos of District 3231 A2 formed “Youth Against Cancer” in August 2018, an international twinning initiative to bring about worldwide awareness of the impact of cancer and how to prevent…