In the July 2016 Lions Quarterly, watch how Lions and Leos are stepping onto the field through inclusive sports in partnership with Special Olympics; visit Camp Leo where children learn to manage their diabetes while having fun and forming deep…
A pocket guide with contact information to create your Lions legacy by including a gift to LCIF in your will.
These talking points are guidelines to help you explain the changes to MyLion, MyLCI and Insights on the updated Member Platform.
Watch this video and see how students in Italy, Japan, Australia and Tennesee, USA, are benefiting from the successful life skills program Lions Quest.
Meetings and Club Visits Report Form
Letter to Lions members detailing what is required to form a Lions foundation
This issue of Lions Quarterly shows how Lions everywhere are making a global impact through the Reading Action Program. Watch how Lions in Indonesia brought a library to people who need it the most. In Hawaii, Lions and Leos reach out to young girls…
LCIF is pleased to share its gratitude with, and offer membership in the Lions Legacy Society to, individuals in Australia committing future gifts.
Leo-Lion Board Liaisons Aayush Bagla and Juan “Pollo” Manuel Cáceres, welcome special guests: 2VP Brian Sheehan and 3VP Dr. Patti Hill to answer questions about the future of our organization, leadership training opportunities for Leo-Lions and Leos…
Complete the Leo to Lion Certification Form (LL2) to receive credit for Leo years of service added to a Lion record.