Lioness Bridge Program The Lioness Bridge Program, and the associated benefits, ended June 30, 2021. Lions clubs International continuously broadcasted this notice via messages to Lions districts and clubs and on the website since April 2018.…
This LQ includes segments about South African Lions who feed hungry children and teach them to clean their community; an eyeglass mission in Mexico; and Japanese Lions who donated fire engines in Cambodia.
This LQ features Lions World Sight Day, the Measles Initiative, trachoma treatments and disaster relief. See how Lions address water crises; watch Lions circle the speedway in Wisconsin; and watch a community pool make a splash in the Cayman Islands.
Learn about the Top Ten Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Chairperson Award and find out how you can nominate your YCE chairperson for the award.
In this LQ, watch how the Lions Burn Care Center provides critical care to local patients; Lions in Asia are making Sight for Kids a priority; a message of peace is shared around the world; and a heart-warming fishing story.
Experience the excitement of service as Lions from around the world gather in Milan, Italy for the 1022nd Lions Clubs International Convention.
Find out how you can help your members realize their potential to better serve their community through the Lions Mentoring Program.
As Lions, our actions and service inspires others. And that requires leadership development.
Young people are vital to everything we do as Lions Clubs International Foundation.