Dear Lions of Italy, I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the devastating earthquake that struck the central mountainous region of your homeland early Wednesday morning, leaving many families mourning the loss of loved…
My Dear Lions, Like me, I’m sure you have followed the recent tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia and Barcelona, Spain. Acts of terror, and loss of innocent lives must never become the norm. Lions International and its…
Dear Lions, Earlier this month, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia. While the quake lasted only 15 seconds, more than 100 buildings collapsed and more than 100 people have perished. Thousands of people were left…
This chart provides current dues and fees for clubs and members along with information about any special certification requirements.
The Global Membership Approach equips districts to develop membership through a strategic process focused on: rejuvenating districts with new clubs, revitalizing clubs with new members, and re-…
During recent months, there have been an increasing number of phone, text, social media and email scams. Be aware of scams that fraudulently use the Lions Clubs International (LCI) or Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)…
The Stephen Lewis Foundation is on the front lines of humanitarian service and championing health and human rights to end AIDS in Africa and around the world. In honor of this exemplary movement, the…
This form outlines the policies around the fmaily membership program. Submit this form along with your MMR for families joining your club.
Dear Lions, I am honored to serve as Chairperson of your Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). I believe strongly in our Foundation, which is a vital part of Lions’ International service efforts. One of the most touching…
Dear Lions, We have seen many amazing advancements throughout our lives. We have walked on the moon, we have phones that guide us when we are lost and we have robots that perform intricate surgeries. Yet, we still see hundreds…