After a half-century of global expansion, Lions established Lions clubs International Foundation in 1968 as a way to amplify the power of Lion giving. Since 1917, individual Lions clubs and districts had achieved remarkable…
Representatives of the Leo Club Advisory Panel led a symposium with advice for Leo recruitment, membership experience and Leo to Lion transition with volunteer developed resources.
Join the Leo Club Program Advisory Panel as they share how to give recruitment elevator speeches, leadership development opportunities, and the Leo to Lion transition.
With another year of service beginning, Lions get ready to take their inspiration from convention back to their clubs and put it into action in communities around the world!
The LCIF Helping Hands Award recognizes Lions who promote greater awareness of and support for LCIF at the club, region, district or multiple district level.
How can you interact with Lions at convention? Get tips on how you and your Club can connect with other Lions at this year's virtual event, including watch party ideas and getting Leos involved.
This presentation will help guide a conversation with clubs on how to make their club more family friendly.
Read about Melvin Jones' incredible legacy of service, his accomplishments and how he founded Lions Clubs.
[pdf] Transfer memberThis form provides instructions for completing member transfers from club to club either on MyLCI or on MMR.
The Legal Division is responsible for the legal operations and global compliance of the Association and provides guidance to Lions on all matters related to the constitution and by-laws. In addition…