To demonstrate the power of hashtags, consider this case: Your multiple district organizes a big tree planting day as part of one of its environmental goals. To show the community how Lions and Leos are involved in the health…
Lion Leaders from constitutional areas 3 and 7 will share stories of what teams are working on in their areas.
Discover how Lions are responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
It’s easy for Americans to take the freedoms we all enjoy for granted. But members of the Martins Ferry Lions Club in Martins Ferry, Ohio, were determined not to forget about the sacrifices that U.S. veterans have made so that…
Not every Lions Centennial Legacy Project has to be a monumental undertaking. The Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club in Carroll County, Maryland, for example, decided to install a beautiful oak bench in the local park for their…
[mp4] Keeping Greenland CleanDiscover how Lions in Greenland are participating in the Centennial Service Challenge by engaging youth to clean the environment.
Lions from around the world voted to make diabetes our primary cause moving into the future.
Have you ever considered hosting an international student in your home? If not, you’re missing out on the experience of a lifetime! I first discovered the Lions Youth Camp and Exchange Program (YCE) in 2012 at our club’s…
[mp4] Service from the HeartIn New York City, Lions are feeding the hungry. This is one of the countless ways Lions make a real difference every day in communities everywhere. By engaging in service from the heart, we can make our world a better place for all people
[pdf] GAT Coordinators WebinarPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan, PCC Viresh Paul, and Grisell Barraza provide an in depth and thorough explanation on GAT, as well as introduce the new concept of GMA. Topics also…