Find out how the Lions of France have helped the elderly during the pandemic, when many retirement homes have ended visiting hours for family and friends, and in some cases.
See how the Lions-supported American Printing House (APH) for the Blind sends a free print/braille children’s book to thousands of visually impaired children in the US every other month.
Read about the Special Olympics Beach Games, a new games model that takes place by the seaside, was held on Santos Beach in São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city. 130 Lions and 320 athletes were there.
Find out how Lions are working to help those in need, even during the pandemic. In Suriname in South America, LCIF gave a US$10,000 Emergency grant to build a hospital triage center.
Because of a US$85,000 LCIF grant, 12,000 children and educators in Bangladesh participated in a 12-month pilot program of Lions Quest, which provided lessons on skills needed to manage emotions,…
As the world’s largest-known school-based eye health program, Sight For Kids mobilizes Lions and eye care professionals to provide comprehensive eye health services in low-income schools around the…
Play helps kids “be kids” by giving them a sense of normalcy in their lives. That’s why, when the Malabar Cancer Center in the state of Kerala, India, opened a new pediatric oncology unit, Lions and…
To put an end to some of these preventable child deaths, Lions in District 404B1 received a US$147,038 Childhood Cancer Grant from LCIF to construct a caregiver facility for The Federal Medical…
Homelessness has been a major problem in the Southern Peninsula of Australia for many years. SPCS started the Southern Peninsula Laundry and Shower program (SPLaSh) to support the growing homeless…
Lions create the Serenity Suite, a specially designed space for families and parents to stay while dealing with the devastation of infant loss. It is located inside the Doncaster Royal Infirmary…