2006-2007 International President Jimmy M. Ross reflects on the life-changing power of giving.
[mp4] Milan Insider’s ViewSee all that Milan, the site of our 102nd International Convention, has to offer.
[mp4] Houses Full of LoveTo help the growing number of struggling elderly, Lions clubs in Busan started "The Houses Full of Love" project to repair and refurbish homes.
2004-2005 International President Clement F. Kusiak reflects on the importance of forging partnerships with country leaders.
Contact LCIF. LCIF administers a variety of grantmaking programs to support Lions International global causes. In addition, LCIF fundraises and processes donations and donor recognition to support…
Learn about how Lions clubs serve over 200 countries and geographic areas, with over 48,000 clubs and 1.4 million members.
This presentation will help guide a conversation with clubs on how to make their club more family friendly.
Advocacy is another way for Lions and Leos to serve the causes we care about. When you advocate, you use your voice to educate and influence more people to get on board with a movement.
This document contains both the provisions from the International Constitution and By-Laws and Board Policy Manual regarding redistricting.