Learn about the Top Ten Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Chairperson Award and find out how you can nominate your YCE chairperson for the award.
Find answers to the most common questions about the Family Membership Program with our frequently asked questions (FAQ).
[mp4] We Support LCIFIn this video, Lions around the world express their pride and gratitude for the support of Lions Clubs International Foundation. Lions efforts such as SightFirst, Lions Quest, disaster relief and more are made possible because of LCIF.
Find a variety of resources about the GAT, including leadership roles, GAT success story funding information and much more.
Learn how Lions Clubs International Foundation helps increase awareness and equip communities to educate blind and visually impaired children in the Philippines.
[pdf] LCIF General BrochureLCIF was founded in 1968 to take the work of Lions Clubs International to new heights by tackling global problems, as well as assisting Lions with large-scale local humanitarian projects.
Learn about the childhood cancer chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
Strides activities are a fun and engaging way for Lions and Leos everywhere to promote diabetes awareness. These events can be any physical activity, from a run to a dance competition! Get more tips…